
FAQ - Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

You should make a direct investment of 250,000 Euro or over. This may be a house you shall live in or a real estate you’ll lease or a hotel you’ll buy and manage on the main land or even on an island. Our lawyers experienced on this subject shall help you.

This subject is very open to exploitation. Those who sell their real estate push up the values for purchasers from abroad. For instance, they pull up a real estate with a value of 100-150 thousand euros to 250,000 and make it convenient for residence permit. Although it is possible to obtain a residence permit in this way, a very high value is paid unnecessarily. Although prices have dropped in Greece due to crisis, we search alternative places on behalf of you and create a portfolio over real market values.

After you decide on the property you shall purchase and complete the purchasing process, we obtain permanent residence permit for all members of the family approximately within 10 working days. 

The person who performs the necessary investment may provide residence permit for himself/herself, his/her spouse, his/her children at 21 or younger, his/her parents and his/her parents in law. The Investment may be made 50%-50% between spouses.    (This is an opportunity given only to spouses, siblings or friends cannot purchase jointly, even if they purchase, condition of 250,000 and over is required for each.)

By making an investment you obtain a five-year residence permit. Your residence permit is renewed in every five years. In fact, your investment means a life time residence permit as long as you don’t sell it. Even if the conditions change in the future, (increase in minimum investment amount, ending the application, etc.) this does not affect you. Your vested interest is state guaranteed as long as you don’t leave. 

You may travel as much as you want at all Schengen countries without getting visa. You don’t need to obtain a visa. However, you need to obtain visa for countries as the United Kingdom which are not Schengen countrie

Families put great importance on education. Regardless of your children’s age, they can attend foreign schools in the country. There are British, American, German and French schools. All classes are provided in the school’s native language. For example, the German schools teach in the German language and the British schools teach in the English language. Under Greek laws, the Greek language is mandatory for everyone at the elementary school level and the Greek language is an elective course in secondary school. The children start to speak the English language at a native level in 1-2 years. Since the children of ex-pats study in these international schools, your children will have friends from different countries. The guides at schools will guide your children towards their target in university. You can get more information in our face-to-face meetings.

No, it is not cancelled. Whether you move to Greece or do not go at all, your residence permit is yours as long as you don’t sell your investment. 

The Greek government necessitates 250,000 Euro investment for an indefinite residence permit with the “Golden Visa Program”. But there isn’t any minimum price limitation for your investment. You can invest according to your budget to collect rent in Euro and to make an investment in your future by taking advantage of the still-advantageous real estate market. We share the investments with the best return options according to your budget.

We follow all these services on behalf of you and inform you about all developments. Whether you think for investment purpose or as a settlement, we finalize all processes without tiring you. Please contact us for details. 

You can check some of the examples from our portfolio on our website. However, the investment options vary and each investor has different expectations. After listening to you and learning more about your expectations, we offer the most suitable portfolio.

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